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Thursday, March 4, 2010


due to political crisis and highly recognisation of abroad study we student easly fasinated for countries like usa uk etc. its not always true that only high class family member come for study. its matter of fact with the increase in literacy rate in nepal, most of the literate middleclas guardian dont save money and bank balance for their spouses future rather they would like to invest for their childrens education no matter however like selling and morgaging properties ......... yeah the main objective of student is for study but why these guys seems to say that "thikka paryo " uk goverment policy . dont he have manner to respect for nepali girls . beside this look in our country hundred of pout of valley studnet come in kathmandu for their education is nt they are learning and earning as well. so why not we can do in uk . at least we r not making money . we earn only for our lodeging and foodiing. so wats wroong in doing job ? with this change in policy we cant get job even if we got job also its only enough of our toothpast and soap , at least uk government must not implement such a cheap and cunning policy which is going to kill studnet after they make billion pound from international student ,


Gay marriage in America received approval has been the subject of controversy. America's capital Washington DC, has found gay marriage legal consent which more than 120 couples immediately after the married. The area has become the sixth U.S. District off Columbia, where gay marriage would be acceptable. Connecticut, Aiwa, Massachusetts, gay marriage in Vermont and New Hampshire has got approval. Marriage Bureau in Washington, many couples started to queue for hours outside so that they could first get a marriage license.
Morris says the BBC Washington correspondent Maudlin that these couples wanted to get married soon, they also feared that a legal challenge because of the court whether their decision not changed. Gay marriage legal in Washington long enough to give validity have been performed. Year 2008 the people of California voted in November to six months old and the state Supreme Court decisions that changed the gay marriage was legal validity. Washington 41 - year-old and twelve years Senoia Townsend staying with them for 47 years as a legal Young couple first became legal. Young said: "This day is like Christmas morning. It's like a dream come true. "Homosexual marriage in America is a controversial subject and many states have special laws that consider such marriages illegal. Washington for too many posters has been eye which was written, "The time has come for the destruction of America and he's responsible for it myself”.

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