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Saturday, July 3, 2010

LOK SEWA AYOG is a popular in Nepal and information collected by Niroj Khanal.

Set 7

1. In a relational schema, each topple is divided into field called Domains.

2. A top-to-button relationship among the items in a database is established by a Hierarchical schema.

3. A good query system allows non-programmers to access information stored in a database.

4. A list consists of last names, first names, addresses and pin codes if all people in the list have same last and the same pin code, a useful; key would be a compound key consisting of the first name and the last name.

5. A logical schema is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.

6. A form defines the width of each field.

7. A report form is used during report generation to format data.

8. A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is modify.

9. The modify operation is likely to be done after look up.

10. DBMS is the abbreviation used for a software package that permits the user to create, retrieve and maintain records in a database.

11. dBASE IV, 4th dimension and FoxPro are relational database, except Reflex.

12. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then storage space is wasted and changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency.

13. In order to use a DBMS, it is important to understand one sub schema.

14. Sub-schema can be used to create very different, personalized views of the same data, present information in different format, hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the subschema’s description.

15. Data item grouped together for storage purpose are called a record.

16. The way a particular application views the data from the database that the application uses is a sub-schema.

17. A RDBM package manages data in more than one file at once. How does organize these file? as tables and relations.

18. Conditional column cannot be found in the macro design window.

19. A(n) Function, or command is the basic building block of a macro.

20. Workbook is not a type of Microsoft Access database object.

21. To select a column, double-click any where in the column is NOT a selection technique.

22. Queries database objects ask a question of information in a database and then display the results.

23. Fields are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called.

24. Picture/Graphic is NOT a data type.

25. Tables do reports and forms get their information from.

26. Selecting the underlying table or query on which you want to base the form or report is the first step in creating a form or report with the Form Wizard or Report Wizard.

27. <>”Nice” criterion would find records whose personality field does not equal “Nice”.

28. The query will include every field from form the table happens when you add the asterisk (*) from any Field List to a query.

29. For long text entries of no more than 255 characters is the memo data type field used.

30. 255 characters is the maximum length a text field can be.

31. Right-click the column and select Freeze Columns from the shortcut menu do you freeze a field a column or field in Microsoft Access.

32. Click the Find button on the Record Navigation button area is NOT a command to find specific words or phrases in a database.

33. Right-click the field value and select Filter by Selection from the shortcut menu do you filter by selection.

34. The criteria between 1/1/99 AND 12/31/99 = Display records between the dates 1/1/99 AND 12/31/99.

35. Enter a date before date 1995 is the corresponding text for the <#1/1/95# Validation Rule Setting.

36. A lookup field allows selecting items from drop down list.

37. A date field would NOT make a suitable primary key.

38. Select the table from the Table list on the toolbar can you add a table to the Relationships windows.

39. It applies a 3-D effect to a selected control does the Special Effect button on the formatting toolbar do.

40. Click the image button on the Toolbox and drag on the report to draw a place holder for the graphic do you insert a graphic of your company’s logo on a report.

41. The Fill/Back Color button on the Formatting toolbar applies color to the background of the selected control.

42. Make-table queries extract the data and put them into separate table.

43. NO VALUE is NOT written using the proper syntax.

44. IF ([Age]>65,”Senior”,”Adult”) this expression is an example of a conditional expression.

45. The Control Source property determines what is displayed in a control.

46. Right-click anywhere on the form and select Properties from the shortcut menu can you view the properties for a form.

47. In the Month Group Footer section you can keep the SUM([Sales]) to calculate the totals for each month.

48. Hold down shift key as you click each object that you want to select is the procedure for selecting multiple controls on a report.

49. Tables, Queries and Form database object can you import from one Microsoft Access database to another.

50. OLE filed type is used to store picture in a table.

51. Click the Show Table button on the toolbar can you add a table to the Query Design window.

52. Append queries types of queries are action queries.

53. A parameter query prompts a user for a date and then displays only records that contain the specified date.

54. Summery section is NOT a report section.

55. You can display a database object in Design View by selecting the database object and clicking the Design button on the Database window.

56. Click the Relationships button on the toolbar can you display the relationships in a database.

57. If you creating a cross tab query, At least one field must table you are querying contain.

58. A query summarizes information in a grid, organized by regions and months. A cross tab query is this.

59. Unbound type of text box does the Toolbox add to a form.

60. Interactive form is NOT a type of form.

61. Microsoft Access can import information from which of the following file formats comma-delimited text files, dBase database files and Excel workbooks.

62. Indexed, field size and format are filed property but not color.

63. dBase, FoxPro and Access are database application but not Edit.

64. Access is a database management tool developed by Microsoft.

65. HSAM stands for Hierarchic Sequential Access Method.

66. Threats to data security may be Direct threats to the database.

67. Chain is not a logical database structure.

68. An organized collection of logically related data is known as Database.

69. The processing of an application between a client and both processor.

70. The analysis model is not a formal enough to be implemented directly in a programming language.

71. Sizes of a database are usually measured in terms of Giga bytes.

72. In database, locking level is also called as Gramulority.

73. To create your own query without using the query wizard, you click Insert | Query in Design View and click OK.

74. Access’s Switchboard feature allows you to quickly perform common tasks, like entering or editing data.

75. A relational database stores information in several different tables, all of which are related to one another.

76. To create a data entry drop down list of your own click the drop down list in Data type and select lookup Wizard.

77. To create a database table, you click Table | New from the database window.

78. To find items that cost between $20 and $22 in a database table you use a query.

79. Database tables are divided into Records and Fields.

80. To find a specific record in a certain field in a table Open the table containing the data you want to find, click in the field you want to search and click Edit | Find.

81. To create a new database, you can click File | New and click the Database tab in the New dialog box, click the Access Database Wizards, Pages and Projects option button in the Microsoft Access dialog box, which appears when you start Access and then click ok and click to New Database button and click ok.

82. To move a field to a different place in a table select the field by clicking on the box to its left, drag it up or down where you want it to appear and drop it.

83. Machine language is represented as a series of 0s and 1s.

84. Machine language is machine dependent.

85. High-level language is more English like.

86. Machine language is the lowest level programming language.

87. Fifth generation languages are also called Natural language.

88. COBOL, FORTRAN and Pascal are procedural language but not LISP.

89. PowerPoint is personal computer application software.

90. RPG III is a report generator.

91. MANTIS is an application generator.

92. Basic is an interpreted language.

93. The components of a network are Terminals, telecommunication processor & media, computers and software.

94. Modem is a telecommunications processor.

95. Coaxial cable is a telecommunication media.

96. Twisted-Pair wire is the oldest and most common transmission line.

97. 50,000 channels can a ½” diameter fiber optic cable carry.

98. Access controls are the function of the telecommunications software.

99. Bus, Star and Ring are network topology.

100. Bus network the ends are not connected.

101. HTTP is a network protocol.

102. Logic bomb, Worm and Trojan horse are computer virus.

103. Worm is a program which copies itself over and over, eventually causing the computer to crash.

104. A message is encrypted using a Key.

105. Social Engineering is a technique used by hackers.

106. Piracy, Sabotage and Hacking are computer crime.

107. Word star, Word perfect and Word are word processor.

108. The animated icon that po-up offering help is called Office Assistant.

109. With WORD you can create documents, Insert graphic and create web pages.

110. The attributes of information are Accuracy, timeless and relevancy.

111. The database element that represents a correspondence between the various data elements is Relationships.

112. Schema separates the physical aspects of data storage from the logical aspects of data representation.

113. DBMS provide services for accessing the database while maintaining the requires correctness.

114. Consistency, Security and Independence are the characteristics of data in a DBMS.

115. The services provided by a DBMS are Transaction processing, Concurrency management and Recovery.

116. The oldest database models are Hierarchic and network.

117. Currently the most popular database model is Relational.

118. DB2, Oracle and Sybase are relational database management system.

119. Structure Query Language is the uniform for users providing a collection of standard expressions for storing and retrieving data in a relational database.

120. Spreadsheet software will you use for entering your accounting information.

121. Excel is a spreadsheet.

122. The different kinds of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet are Labels, Numbers and Calculated Entries.

123. Calculated entries are computed using Formula.

124. The first publicly available spreadsheet program to combine graphics, spreadsheet functions and management is Lotus 1-2-3.

125. NITC stands for National Information Technology Committee.

126. Computer education all by 2010 AD.

127. Broad Brand information Network will be linkage between Nepal and the world.

128. 10 billion is the strategy of earning amount by exploring software and hardware within the next 5 years.

129. To promote e-commerce, education and e-health is the information technology policy.

130. Rs. 100 million investments shall make by Government for venture capital fund.

131. To increase unemployment is not objective of IT policy.

132. 2000 was the IT policy built.

133. NITDC stands for National Informatics Technology Development Council.

134. Rt. Honorable Prime Minister is Chairman of NITDC.

135. Within next 5 year shall be Nepal placed on global map of information.

136. 16 members in NITDC under chairman.

137. In Banepa, IT Park will be established.

138. Lotus, Excel and Quattro Pro are spreadsheet software package.

139. Ctrl + 9 is the shortcut key for row hide.

140. Shared computers in Network are the function of network neighborhood.

141. Ctrl+ =/ Ctrl+shift+ + shortcut key for Subscript /Superscript.

142. Many sheets are there in Excel.

143. EDIT is not an Internal command.

144. Summary info will be the title in word to save summary (status).

145. Combo box is the drop down list.

146. DOS O/S can you give smallest file name.

147. Content will be deleted when selecting record presses delete key.

148. Keyboard can not be shared in Network.

149. Filter/sort is the purpose of Query.

150. USB, Parallel and COM1 / COM2 port exist in Computer.

151. Database utility exists in Tools Menu.

152. SUM command doesn’t exist in DOS.

153. 2nd generation is transistor used.

154. Number increment is done by Auto number.

155. After copying many times can you paste the content.

156. Contain multiple worksheet is the function of workspace.

157. Workbook is the name of Excel file.

158. Relate Multiple table is the function of relationship.

159. 1 nibble contains 4bit.

160. OLE means Object Linking and Embedding.

161. Query object sql is used.

162. Workgroup means computers in network.

163. Outline view is used to chapter wise heading show, Heading show and Content show.

164. The content of cell will be removed after paste when you cut in excel.

165. Column should you used to create Newspaper Style.

166. Picture data type doesn’t exist in access.

167. Synonym can be reviewed with Thesaurus.

168. CPU will process data.

169. RAM data will be erased as power supply is off.

170. Data store in Floppy, Hard disk and Tape.

171. IO.sys, MSDOS.sys and are most essential in every computer.

172. Paper orientation can be change from Page setup/paper size.

173. Category is written in X-axis.

174. Collection of fields is there in records.

175. MKDIR command is used to create a directory.

176. Entry operation is not permitted by query. But Delete, Modify and Create table are usable.

177. Table, Query and Form are related with database but not Macro.

178. Display the records that meet the criteria will do by filter.

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