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Saturday, March 6, 2010

downloading Movie and Music without paying is illegal

Yes, there is deference between an unethical act and illegal one. For example, we should smoke and drink alcohol n fronts of parents and teachers. If we do that, then we will not get punishment from law but that is only an ethical act. To control the illegal act, there is the state or law or government. But fro unethical acts, there is not such a things to control anybody but it should follow as the tradition and convention.
As long as downloading movies and music without paying is concerned, it is illegal if we download the copy righted folders. However, most of the down loaders do not feel that their act is unethical because the downloading is so easy and also should not spend lots of money buying CDS.
While talking about our country, there is no internet law and the internet is accessible to very few people. Very few of them are aware of unethical and illegal acts in regards to the internet. Those who have the internet access are free to download anything possible. There is no agency to check them. So in our country Nepal, downloading movies and music without paying has just become unethical act but illegal one. To be illegal one, law should be made to give certain punishment for such down loaders.

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